Today is Election Day!
November 3, 2020Please exercise your civic duty and VOTE! This election is unique in that it is almost entirely Vote by Mail! Please be sure you received, filled out, and returned your Vote by Mail Ballot. Ballots can be returned to one of the following locations until 8pm this evening.
You can also return your ballot by USPS (make sure it is postmarked), or hand it in today at your polling location. Click here to find your polling location.
With the exception of persons with disabilities, voters who go to the polls today will NOT be permitted to vote on a voting machine, and will instead be given a Provisional Paper Ballot. A Provisional Paper Ballot is similar to voting on your VBM Ballot but requires that you wait in line to receive a ballot from a poll worker. An ADA-compliant voting machine will be available for persons with disabilities which prevent them from voting on a paper ballot. Such voter must certify on an affidavit that they cannot vote on a paper ballot due to their disability.
We URGE you to use your Vote By Mail Ballot, as Provisional Paper Ballots are counted last and must be checked against the VBM Ballots that have already been cast before they are accepted.
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