June 11, 2020
Many of us reside in Westfield because of the charming homes that line our attractive streets. Having made what, for many, is the largest investment of our lives, we expect to be able to update and improve our properties as we like, subject of course to existing zoning laws and building codes. Over the years, […]
June 5, 2020
This week, we conclude our examination of the many problems with PILOTs and the tax abatement programs that the Brindle Administration recently set in motion in Westfield. It is an examination that we would have expected the Mayor and Council to openly undertake with input from all residents, preferably after the global pandemic ended. Unfortunately, […]
June 4, 2020
We are extremely saddened by the tragic death of George Floyd. The criminal acts that led to his death are disturbing at every level. We stand with all those who condemn this hateful act that runs counter to the values of our nation and our unalienable rights to liberty and equality under the law. We […]
May 27, 2020
Last week, we began to expose the many problems with PILOTs and the tax abatement programs that the Brindle Administration recently set in motion in Westfield, without any meaningful public debate or input, and during a pandemic. The harms that can be caused by such programs are detailed in a report published by the NJ […]
May 20, 2020
Earlier this month, after introducing a budget that imposed the maximum allowable property tax levy increase on Westfield’s residents, the Brindle Administration took a major step toward handing out tax breaks to downtown property owners and commercial developers. On May 12, the Mayor and Council declared the entire downtown Westfield business district to be an […]
May 13, 2020
The Town’s surplus funds are like the savings account that we all try to maintain for our own households. Surplus is critical for towns to address unanticipated and unbudgeted costs, for example those brought on by blizzards, hurricanes and, yes, global pandemics. They protect against periods of economic turmoil and they help to earn and […]
April 29, 2020
On March 10, 2020, just before the devastating human and economic impact of the COVID-19 virus would become widely known, Mayor Shelly Brindle released a “Bold Action Plan” for Westfield. In it, she criticized the Town’s prior budget policies that had, in her words, “taken a very conservative approach to budgeting which has effectively maintained […]
April 28, 2020
WESTFIELD – Last month, Congressman Malinowski voted for H.R. 748, the $2.2 trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” also known as the “CARES Act”. Not a single town in his district received direct municipal aid from the federal government to help them balance budget shortfalls created by the COVID-19 response. “We have never needed our federal representatives […]
March 13, 2020
In light of the current health situation we have decided to cancel some of our upcoming events. Specifically, the next Thirsty Thursday (scheduled for March 26th), and the Tamaques Park Clean-Up (scheduled for March 28th) are cancelled. We will keep you informed about future events as time and more details surrounding the Corona virus unfold. […]
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020 In her comments at this week’s Town Council meeting, which she has also posted online, Mayor Brindle attempts to soften the blow of the unprecedented tax increase and surplus spending in the upcoming municipal budget by trumpeting her action plan for a “brighter future” for Westfield. This is classic politician-speak for “please […]